Summertime is the perfect season to hit the open road. However, summer driving can also mean dealing with increased traffic, road hazards due to weather and construction, and increasing pedestrians on the roads. Proper preparation is essential to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable driving experience this season. In New Jersey, knowing the state's laws, regulations, and potential traffic patterns is important to ensure your summer road trip doesn't end in an accident. Understanding the best driving tips to help you prepare for summertime driving in New Jersey and why having an attorney is important if you are ever in a car accident is essential.
Service your Vehicle
Before any road trip, it's important to have your vehicle inspected by a professional mechanic. The mechanic can check for any potential issues that can lead to a breakdown on the road. You should also ensure that your vehicle's wiper blades, brakes, tires, and air conditioning are in good condition, as these are all essential to a safe and comfortable road trip.
Plan your Route
Knowing your route before starting your trip can help you navigate heavy traffic areas. By planning your journey, you can better estimate your arrival time and avoid getting lost, which can increase stress. Know the primary and alternate routes to avoid construction, which can cause major delays.
Observe Road Safety Rules
In the hot summer months, drivers should take extra precautions to ensure their safety and the safety of those around them. Wear your seatbelt and ensure all passengers do the same, avoid using your phone, stay alert and focused on driving, and follow posted speed limits.
Keep Your Car Hydrated
Keeping your car hydrated in the summer months is essential. This means regularly checking the coolant and radiator fluids so your vehicle can operate at optimal levels even during hot weather.
Contact an Attorney
Despite your best efforts, accidents can still happen. If you experience an accident while driving, contacting an attorney is important. Experienced attorneys specialize in dealing with such cases and can help you get compensation for your damages.
We Can Help
The summer months can be an awesome time to hit the open road, but ensuring safety while driving is important. Properly preparing your vehicle, planning your route, paying attention to the rules of the road, keeping your car hydrated, and knowing when to contact an attorney are all important steps before setting out on your journey. If you end up in an accident, our attorneys here at DeZao & DeZao, P.C. are always here to help you get the compensation you deserve. Call us today to schedule a consultation. Happy summer travels!
Call our office at (973) 358-6134 or visit us online to schedule your free consultation with a member of our team.