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Avoiding Pharmacy Errors: The Role of Medical Malpractice for Law Firms


It is alarming to learn that pharmacy errors have become common across the United States. Pharmacies are responsible for preparing and dispensing medication, making it important for pharmacists to ensure that the right medication is given to the right patient at the right time. Failure to do so can cause severe harm or even death to the patient. This is where medical malpractice comes into play. Medical malpractice law firms can help victims of pharmacy errors receive the compensation they deserve for their losses and injuries.

1. Importance of Proper Labeling

One of the leading causes of pharmacy errors is improper labeling. Labels contain essential information about the medication, including the patient's name, dosage instructions, and the medication's expiration date. Errors can occur when pharmacists neglect to label a medication or place the wrong label on a prescription. For example, a patient could receive medication for another person with a similar name. Law firms can aid in reducing errors caused by labeling mishaps by emphasizing the importance of proper labeling and enforcing protocols for pharmacy staff.

2. Verification and Quality Checks

Another way to prevent pharmacy errors is by conducting verification and quality checks. Before a medication is given to a patient, pharmacists should double-check the medication's accuracy and ensure that the dosage is correct. Quality checks also help pharmacists inspect the medications for any visual defects, including discoloration, cracks, or missing pieces. If a pharmacist discovers an error or defect, they can re-prepare the medication or discard it, reducing the risk of harm to the patient. Medical malpractice law firms can emphasize the importance of regular quality checks and verification as a way to reduce the risk of pharmacy errors.

3. Competent Pharmacy Staffing

Pharmacy errors can also occur due to understaffing or overworking employees. When pharmacists work long hours or have multiple tasks, they may overlook vital details or rush the preparation process, leading to errors. Patients can also be misidentified when staff is understaffed and overworked. Medical malpractice law firms can promote higher client satisfaction by holding staff members accountable for their work, ensuring proper training, and having suitable work hours to improve attention and productivity.

4. Technology and Automation

Technology has played a vital role in reducing pharmacy errors. Automated dispensing machines and electronic prescribing methods reduce the risk of manual errors when pharmacists perform routine tasks. These devices limit the human interaction needed to dispense medication, giving patients more accurate and timely care. Law firms can support the implementation of these technologies in pharmacies, offering a more effective and efficient solution that reduces the risk of pharmacy errors.

5. Patient-Centered Care

Finally, patient-centered care can help reduce pharmacy errors. Staff prioritizing a patient's healthcare needs can foster an environment where patients feel safe and satisfied. This approach also ensures patients receive the right medication, dosage, and instructions during dispensing, reducing the risk of pharmacy errors. Medical malpractice law firms can promote patient-centered care by advocating for staff to prioritize their patient's health needs before their workload.

New Jersey Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Pharmacy errors can lead to devastating consequences, leaving victims with severe injuries and trauma. Contact DeZao & DeZao, P.C. today at (973) 358-6134 to seek legal assistance and receive the compensation you deserve for your losses and injuries caused by pharmacy errors.