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work from home

Most of the year has been chaotic, to say the least. As more and more employers have moved towards telecommuting, you would also think that there would be a decrease in car accidents. As our New Jersey car accident attorney can attest, that has not been the case. Although there has been a two percent decrease nationwide, it is not as much as one NJ car accident lawyer would expect during these uncertain times. 

The Statistics

Reports show that 2019 was actually the safest year for highway safety nationwide. This comes as no surprise to NJ car accident lawyer James C. DeZao. What is surprising, however, is that there hasn’t been a significant decrease in accidents.

New Jersey responded to the pandemic with strict restrictions and yet, it has been to no avail. It is reported that in 2019 there were 16,988 car accident deaths. The number for 2020 is 16,650 — only 338 less deaths. That is a troublingly small decrease for any New Jersey car accident attorney or resident to hear. 

It’s even more scary when you factor in the vehicle miles traveled as it only decreased by 16 percent compared to last year.

Another contributing factor is that more people are walking in order to get out of their houses. When you combine reckless drivers and more pedestrians on the road the death toll rises by unimaginable numbers. Statistics show that pedestrians who are struck by a vehicle going over 30 mph have a 50% chance of survival.

Where Are People Going?

As more stay at home orders were implemented, the roads seemed to clear more. So why is there only a small decrease in deaths?

As drivers become more comfortable with the open road, they become more reckless as well. Such recklessness is often accompanied by drug abuse, since most individuals have been relying on various substances as a coping mechanism to deal with the pandemic. This, combined with speeding as well as a lack of concern for seatbelts, has been causing inevitable disasters.

With so much recklessness during this pandemic, despite the small decrease in deaths and accidents, has been a tremendous cause of concern, especially for New Jersey car accident attorney service providers.

People will find any excuse to go to the few places that have been opened just to get out of the house and this concerns many New Jersey car accident attorneys. 

What to Do After a Car Accident

After a car accident, you should seek medical attention and then contact a personal injury attorney NJ has on its roster. Our New Jersey car accident attorney will work with you to get you the best medical attention and find the appropriate route for your situation. Contact our NJ car accident lawyer at the Law Offices of James C. DeZao, P.A. at (973) 358-6134 to discuss your case. 
