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COVID-19 is prevalent in all workplaces and although most employers have their employees working remotely not all jobs can be done from home. This has made it a tough job for any workers comp lawyer New Jersey has to offer. With cases rising, many essential employees are questioning if their employer is to blame and are in turn filing lawsuits. 

Although most people recover from COVID-19 not everyone has the same reaction and it can be deadly for others. If your employer is to blame you may need to hire an NJ personal injury attorney. Keep in mind that not every personal injury lawyer New Jersey has on its roster is equipped to handle these types of cases. You will need an experienced NJ personal injury attorney. 

Workplace Tips

Employers have state-mandated guidelines they must follow. We’ve compiled that list and have added some additional tips to ensure you are staying safe during these difficult times. 

  • Anyone who enters the workplace client or employee is required to wear a mask
  • Employers must provide masks to employees (this is at the company’s expense)
  • Everyone must stay six feet apart at all times
  • Employees must be notified if there is possible exposure to the virus
  • High touch areas must be sanitized, disinfected, and cleaned regularly
  • Employees must have access to breaks throughout the day to wash their hands
  • Employers must conduct daily health screenings. They must look for visual symptoms, temperature screenings, etc.
  • Anyone who enters the building must be provided with sanitizing materials. This will also be at the employers’ expense and can include hand sanitizing stations, masks, wipes, etc. 

Some person prevent tips employees can follow include:

  • Not coming into close contact with anyone who is sick
  • Using hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol
  • Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and immediately throw the tissue in the trash
  • Wearing a mask if social distancing is near impossible or not possible at all to practice.
  • Keeping to your circle of household members

If the above guidelines are not being followed you will need to contact an NJ workers comp lawyer or a personal injury lawyer to discuss your circumstances. However, in some cases, an NJ personal injury attorney is the better option. 

As many have come to realize, you can take every precaution possible and still be exposed because someone else was reckless. If the reckless party was your employer you will need to hire an NJ personal injury attorney. 

Filing a Claim with the Help of an Experienced Attorney

As any NJ workers comp lawyer will tell you, it is difficult to obtain workers compensation from contracting COVID-19 but it is not impossible. You may also be able to file a suit by hiring a personal injury lawyer. New Jersey is working on various bills to determine who can and cannot file a claim. 

Sadly, bills take time and your health cannot wait. If you have contracted COVID-19 because of your employer, contact a workers comp lawyer to address the situation. Speak to a NJ personal injury attorney from the Law Offices of James C. Dezao, P.A. at (973) 358-6134 to discuss your case. 

in fact, we have the top personal injury lawyer in New Jersey to help you through this difficult time.
