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Slips and falls happen all the time and most are harmless but there are many times that a slip and fall can leave someone with lifelong injuries or even death. If you are injured you will need to contact a slip and fall lawyer NJ has on its roster. Our best personal injury lawyer in NJ will help you determine if the fall could have been avoided and if the involved party was at-fault for your injuries. You should not be left to deal with the repercussions of someone else’s negligent behavior. A NJ personal injury attorney is licensed and can help you deal with the negligent party.

But when you’re trying to get the proper compensation, it’s important you signify that you’ve been practicing preventative measures. By not doing so, the opposing party can easily indicate that you weren’t practicing safety protocols and can reduce your compensation drastically. 

Because you never know when a slip and fall will occur, it’s important that you always follow the seven preventative tips we’ve listed below.

Factors to Keep in Mind

Before we mention tips, there are a few factors you should keep in mind.

Premises Liability

When you are associated with an individual’s property, whether it be an establishment or a personal residence, the owner owes you a duty of care to ensure you are not injured. When an accident occurs, immediately call a manager or supervisor so they can fill out a report. Also, be ready to take notes and as many pictures as possible. Any personal injury attorney NJ will advise you to document the incident, especially when you are in an establishment.

A personal injury lawyer NJ will also advise you to obtain a copy of the report to help build your case. Establishments will often try to deny your payment and without a report and a personal injury attorney NJ it will be difficult to obtain compensation for your injuries.

You should seek medical attention immediately after the accident to assess your injuries and also for documentation. Any slip and fall lawyer NJ will need you to obtain copies of all medical reports to use for your case later.

Tips for Prevention

A few tips for avoiding a slip and fall, as advised from a top personal injury lawyer NJ are: 

  • Watch your step
  • Wear appropriate footwear
  • Take your time and don’t rush to complete a task if it compromises your safety
  • Use objects to support yourself whenever necessary
  • Wear appropriate eyewear
  • Report hazardous conditions
  • Avoid hazardous conditions

We mentioned earlier a duty of care being owed to you when you enter someone’s property. However, as any personal injury lawyer NJ will attest to, there are situations where the property owner is not culpable. There must be an obvious negligent act that caused the incident. Our best slip and fall lawyer NJ has on its roster has compiled a list of situations where negligence is obvious:

  • Failure to post warning signs of hazards
  • Poor construction
  • Disrepair
  • Poor lighting
  • Loose wires
  • Loose cables
  • Leftover construction debris

A slip and fall lawyer NJ will advise that there are key signs that work towards liability (e.g. The property owner created the unsafe condition, was aware of the condition and did not rectify it, or the condition was one that a reasonable person would have known existed).

Call DeZao Law to Schedule a Consultation

As any personal injury attorney in NJ will tell you, injuries come big and small. You can have a simple bruise that goes away in a couple of days or you can have permanent brain damage. It will all come down to the situation. 

A personal injury lawyer in NJ will be able to discuss those circumstances with you and determine your best course of action.  If you need a personal injury attorney, contact DeZao & DeZao, (973) 358-6134.
