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Injured in a Construction Accident? You MUST Read This


When working in construction, various risks are often involved. In fact, the construction industry is considered one of the most dangerous industries for people to work in because of the combination of hazardous circumstances and heavy machinery. Even when you are following proper safety protocol and wearing protective gear to complete assorted tasks, you might still end up in a construction accident where you are seriously injured and need workers’ compensation.

Not everyone has an easy time obtaining workers comp. When a struggle ensues and the injured victim is facing challenges obtaining the compensation that is much-needed while he or she is out of work, the best workers comp attorney New Jersey has to offer should get involved to help the victim. Let DeZao Law share a bit more about what you should do when you are involved in a construction-related accident.

Seek Immediate Medical Assistance at the Hospital

Never try to get through the rest of the day after enduring a serious injury while on the job. Someone should call an ambulance to come to the construction site and pick you up. You will need to go to the hospital where you can get checked out and find out what types of injuries you have because something may be broken. You could have fractured different parts of your body. And you might even have a concussion or serious brain bleed. It is impossible to know the extent of all your injuries until you go to the hospital for an evaluation.

Make Your Employer Aware of Your Injuries

A workers comp lawyer would recommend that you make your employer aware of the injuries you have sustained. You need to let the employer know where it happened; how it happened; and what you are now suffering from because of the accident. The employer should be prepared for you to file for workers’ compensation because it is something you will need to have to get by until you can return to work in the future.

Hire an Attorney to Assist You with Getting Compensation

Hire a construction accident attorney to help you with obtaining the compensation you are seeking. You have two options to choose from. You may apply for and receive workers’ compensation from your employer as long as you are willing to not file a lawsuit against the employer in the future. 

This works for some. However, your injuries might have been catastrophic; or at least serious enough to keep you out of work for a long time. If so, you might prefer filing a personal injury lawsuit against your employer for unsafe conditions that led to you getting hurt and suffering from countless injuries.

Injured in a Construction Accident? DeZao Law is Here For You

When you are involved in a construction accident while simply trying to do your job, you could end up with injuries that can change your life and take a long time to heal from. If this does happen to you, it is necessary for you to know about your legal options. DeZao Law would like to help you get the compensation you deserve. Call us at your earliest convenience at (973) 358-6134 or send us your information via our contact form.
