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If you are a victim of domestic violence who currently resides in New Jersey, this post is for you. No matter your situation, you do not have to continue to experience violence at the hands of someone you used to love and trust. Unfortunately, domestic violence situations happen more often than most people realize. 

Victims are often too afraid to come forward out of fear of retaliation. Some victims feel like they have nowhere to go and no one to turn to when going through a situation like this, especially if they live far from family members and do not have many friends. However, if you are a victim, you need to get away from the person who is causing you harm. DeZao Law covers the steps you should take to get out of the bad situation and get the justice you deserve for all that you have been through.

File a Police Report

Even if you are scared of your attacker, you need to file a police report. It is one of the first things you should do before meeting with an NJ family law attorney who can provide more guidance. 

When meeting with the police, you can provide a written statement that details the violence you have endured at the hands of someone you are related to, such as a spouse or relative. Once you have the report, it serves as proof that you are documenting the abuse. The police may then decide to perform an investigation and pursue charges against this individual for what he or she has done to you.

Start Meeting with an Attorney

After you have made a police report, make it a priority to meet with a family law attorney where you can go over the level of abuse you have endured. If you have any evidence of the abuse, including messages, voicemails, photos, and videos of what has been happening to you, provide copies to your attorney who can review them and provide advice to you on what to do next. You will feel much safer when you have an attorney by your side to assist you. Your attorney can even help you find a shelter to stay in if you need to do so to get away from your abuser.

Get a Protective Order Against Your Abuser

Get an order of protection against your abuser to keep him or her from getting in contact with you. The order would prevent the individual from contacting you, showing up at your home, or getting within a certain distance from you at any point. It is necessary to have this order in place for your own protection because you do not want this person to continue causing harm to you. An attorney in New Jersey can help you file a petition to get a protective order as soon as possible.

Dealing with Domestic Violence in New Jersey? DeZao Law is There For You

If you are a victim of domestic violence looking to get out of the situation you are in, DeZao Law would like to help you. We want to make sure you no longer have to suffer at the hands of your abuser. Consult with us at your convenience by calling us directly at (973) 358-6134.
