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Are you feeling unhappy in your marriage? Some problems are resolved with marriage counseling, but not all couples can work things out. The damage has been done and things are simply too far gone. If you are not sure whether it is the right time to get divorced or not, you should know of the signs it’s time for a divorce. If the signs below apply to your marriage, you should make it a priority to consult with the NJ divorce lawyer.

You can talk about the problems within the marriage and discuss the option of filing for divorce to free yourself of the toxicity that you have experienced. DeZao Law goes over the many signs that it may be in your best interest to get a divorce.

Your Partner is Being Dishonest with You

NJ Divorce

Does your partner have a hard time telling the truth about everything? You may constantly catch them in lies. When your partner cannot be honest about what they are doing; where they are going; or anything else that is important to you – it is a problem. Communication between two people in a marriage is essential, but it is hard to communicate with someone who lies all the time and cannot tell the truth to save their life. If you are constantly being lied to, you might want to hire an NJ divorce attorney to get started with the divorce proceedings.

Infidelity Has Occurred on Numerous Occasions

Has your partner been unfaithful to you on more than one occasion? When you exchanged vows with your partner, you probably never expected them to cheat on you with someone else. Infidelity is something that should not happen within a marriage, but sometimes people are unfaithful. If you have had enough of dealing with your partner’s infidelity, you can hire a skilled NJ divorce attorney.

Your Partner is Physically Abusive

Your partner does not have the right to put their hands on you in an abusive manner. If this is going on, you need to get out of the marriage. You should never be physically attacked by the person you love and have decided to marry. In addition to hiring a professional NJ family law attorney, you may want to get out of the home and go to a shelter where you can receive protection from the abuse.

Your Partner is Emotionally and Mentally Abusive

Even if your partner is not physically abusive, they may be mentally and emotionally abusive, which is just as toxic as physical abuse. When dealing with someone who messes with your mind and makes you feel like you are literally going insane, it is often best to step away from the marriage for the sake of your own sanity. You can hire the NJ family law attorney to get you through the divorce process.

Think It May Be Time to Get Divorced? DeZao Law Wants to Help You

If you have noticed that many of the signs it’s time for a New Jersey divorce apply to you, it may be beneficial for you to meet with the skilled NJ divorce lawyer who can help you with the divorce proceedings. Staying in a relationship that does not make you happy is not worth it. You deserve to enjoy life, even if that means ending the marriage and moving on. At DeZao Law, we are ready to help you get the fresh start you deserve. Call our office today at (973) 358-6134 for a consultation.
