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Who is at Fault in an E-Scooter Accident?


The e-scooter craze continues to grow in popularity across New Jersey and the rest of the country. With more and more of these scooters on the roads, accidents are beginning to become a common occurrence. So, who is liable in an accident involving an e-scooter? This is an important question you should know the answer to, especially if you enjoy riding an e-scooter to and from work, school, the doctor’s office or to run errands.

Multiple Parties Can Share Fault

There are some accidents involving scooters where multiple parties can share e-scooter liability. It all depends on the circumstances surrounding the accident and the role each party played. As the victim, you need to call 911 immediately. Do not admit fault, or even utter the words “I’m sorry.” This can come back to haunt you if you decide to file a lawsuit against the other people involved in the accident. Let the police conduct an investigation and hire an attorney to determine who was at-fault in the crash.

The Operator of the Scooter

One of the parties who can be held liable in an e-scooter accident is the operator of the scooter. Was the operator handling the scooter properly? Was he or she riding in the middle of the road? Did the operator leave the scooter unattended in the middle of the sidewalk? Many e-scooter injuries caused by the operator are suffered by a pedestrian or bicyclist.

A Vehicle Driver

Many e-scooter accidents involve the scooter and a motor vehicle since the scooter operates near trucks, cars, SUVs and motorcycles. If the driver of a vehicle is not paying attention to their surroundings, they can easily hit an e-scooter that is in the shoulder, in their lane or even crossing in a crosswalk. 

Owners of Property

The law requires property owners  to keep their properties safe at all times. If you were riding your e-scooter on someone else’s property and were allowed to be there, you can hold the property owner liable for your e-scooter accident injuries if a hazard on the property caused the accident. For example, were you injured while riding in a public parking lot due to a large pothole? If so, the property owner can be held responsible for failing to repair the pothole.

Manufacturer of the E-Scooter

It’s also possible that you could hold the e-scooter manufacturer liable for your injuries. Therefore, if they poorly manufactured the e-scooter or if a part was defective, it easily could have caused the accident that left you injured.

Injured in an E-Scooter Accident? Speak with an Attorney Today

If you or a loved one has an injury due to an e-scooter accident, it’s important to speak with an attorney as soon as possible. However, liability in such an accident can be difficult to prove, which is where an attorney can be helpful. Call The Law Offices of James C. DeZao, P.A. at (973) 358-6134 today to schedule a consultation. E-scooter accident injuries can force you to miss extended time at work and consequently lead to thousands of dollars in medical bills. Protect your rights and receive the compensation you deserve by consulting a personal injury
