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Domestic violence can be a taboo subject for many, but the reality is that many people across the country endure this heinous crime. While you may not know it, odds are someone you know has been a victim of domestic violence in the past. Whether it is ongoing or not, if you or someone you care about has fallen victim to this crime, it helps to know what protection you have under the law and what you can do about it. Let’s look at domestic violence laws in New Jersey and some prominent statistics surrounding this despicable crime.

Domestic Violence Laws in New Jersey

N.J.S.A. 2C:25-17 encompasses the bulk of domestic violence laws in New Jersey. This section defines domestic violence and outlines the punishments and repercussions of the crimes. Depending on the specific act perpetrated on the victim, the crime can be a felony or misdemeanor.

New Jersey Domestic Violence Laws in Practice

Looking at more recent New Jersey domestic violence laws, it’s essential to keep changes from 2018 in mind. Specifically, Section 2C:25-24 of the law states that law enforcement officers who respond to calls concerning this crime must file a domestic violence offense report. This portion also outlines additional steps to take alongside this report. These steps aim to reduce instances of violence and gain a better picture of how often it occurs.

New Jersey Domestic Violence Facts and Statistics

The government of New Jersey requires additional time to compile domestic violence facts and statistics. Right now, the latest official statistics are from 2016, which seems somewhat dated. According to these figures, there are 63,420 reported cases of domestic violence in New Jersey. In previous years, that number ranged from about 61,000 to 65,000, showing a relatively steady rate of occurrence.

Of course, the latest report from the New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence shows a different figure. In total, they received 95,855 calls. This discrepancy could indicate that people are not reporting cases of domestic violence due to social stigma or other factors. Otherwise, these could be repeat callers from different instances. Domestic violence usually doesn’t occur only once. In either case, the statistics demonstrate an alarming number of domestic violence crimes in New Jersey.

Justice Against Domestic Violence Offenders

Beyond the domestic violence statistics, it’s vital to remember that people are suffering every day due to household violence and abuse. Whether you know someone who is a victim of this kind of mistreatment or you are suffering at the hands of a family member, you must speak up and report the crime. The laws in New Jersey are in place to protect victims and ensure they can pursue criminal charges against abusers and seek damages for any injuries. If you find yourself in this situation, you should consult a domestic violence attorney in New Jersey.

What to Do with Domestic Violence Statistics

If you have been a victim of domestic violence, don’t hesitate to contact an experienced domestic violence attorney. No one believes they will end up in your situation, and the best way to protect yourself is to act right away. The Law Offices Of James C. DeZao will ensure you receive the industry-leading legal support you need to combat domestic violence and acquire legal protection from future offenses. Don’t become another domestic violence statistic. Take steps now to prevent this incident from ever happening again. Call us today at (973) 358-6134 for a free consultation, and remember, with us, it’s personal.
