As an owner of a vehicle, you’ll want to learn motor vehicle defects law and what you’re entitled to if you end up the owner of a defective car. If a mistake was made during the manufacturing process, you could face deadly defects. Most of the time, the manufacturer or dealership will notice the error before the car is sold and repair it. Sometimes this isn’t the case, and they end up issuing a recall.
An auto recall is when a vehicle or parts manufacturer needs to remove unsafe vehicles from the roads in order to ensure the safety of the public. If the manufacturer or dealership doesn’t ever issue a notice or recall, then you will become responsible for the defective car part and have to take matters into your own hands. This means keeping track of how much will have to be repaired, the cost, and other things that could possibly cause stress. You are able to enter your vehicle’s unique Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to learn if a specific vehicle needs to be repaired. If neither you nor the previous owner or manufacturer are aware of the used car defects and they lead to an accident, victims may be entitled to collect damages from the manufacturer who allowed a car with dangerous defects to be sold.
What Are Some Safety Defects To Be Aware Of?
It’s essential to be aware of any part of your car that’s acting up and could possibly be defective. You’ll want to always report defective car parts to the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs. If you notice your steering components acting up, that could be a potential sign of a defect. This, in turn, may lead to a complete loss of control of the vehicle. All of your car’s controls should be regularly and properly checked out.
Examining your wheels weekly should be on the top of the list. Pay attention to any possible windshield wiper assemblies that are operating odd. Seats and seatbacks are also something to be aware of and keep an eye on; so they don’t fail unexpectedly during everyday use. Before and after purchasing a car, it’s always a safe bet to have your wiring system checked out, so you don’t run into any problems like unexpected fire or light loss.
The Hidden Risks of Used Cars Defects
Here are some things to examine before you buy a used car that may come with defective parts:
- Always test drive the car on different types of roads and conditions, such as hills, stop-and-go traffic, highways, day, night, etc.
- Get the car maintenance record from the previous owner, repair shop, or dealer
- Research the vehicle you’re interested in, the costs of upkeep, and what repairs are frequently needed
- Ask the owner or dealer any question you have
- Hire a mechanic to inspect the car
What Is The Lemon Law NJ?
The lemon law NJ protects you when you purchase a new motor vehicle that develops serious warranty defects; which the dealer or manufacturer cannot repair. The law covers new passenger motor vehicles and motorcycles which are purchased, leased, or registered in New Jersey. To fill out an NJ lemon law application, you must:
- Record and summarize warranty repairs in the order in which they occurred
- List each defection separately
- Focus on all the problems that still exist
- Make a copy of all your supporting documents
- Hire an attorney that will represent you
It’s important to note that the defect must continue to exist after the final repair attempt for you to gain access to protection from the lemon law NJ.
Contact An Experienced Attorney Today
If you own a vehicle with defective parts, suspect your car has defective parts, or are seriously injured as a result of owning an unsafe vehicle, make sure you speak with an experienced New Jersey personal injury attorney today. DeZao & DeZao, P.C.are here to assist you with your case with our team of lemon law NJ attorneys and help you claim the compensation you rightly deserve. Call us today at (973) 358-6134 for a free consultation.