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It’s safe to say most people view car accidents as unpleasant events; that are best avoided. However, they are called accidents for a reason. When you’re involved in an automobile collision, there’s no turning back the clock. If you have been injured in an automobile accident, you are in pain while having to deal with phone calls from insurance companies between doctor visits and trips to the diagnostic center. On top of all that, you may be trying to figure out who pays medical bills after a car accident in New Jersey. Let’s take a closer look at these bills and how a skilled Morris County accident attorney can help. 

Car Accident Medical Bills

New Jersey is considered a no-fault state. In no-fault states, drivers are required to purchase coverage from their insurance company in the event there is an accident. Should an accident happen, insurance covers the medical bills and related damages incurred following a crash, regardless of fault. In New Jersey, this coverage is called Personal Injury Protection, also referred to as PIP coverage. PIP coverage pays the car accident medical bills of people injured in car crashes without regard to who may have been at fault for the accident. 

Medical Bill Responsibility

NJ PIP law requires drivers to pay for PIP coverage. Drivers are given a choice as to how much PIP coverage they want to purchase. Drivers in New Jersey can opt for the minimum amount of PIP coverage. They will cover up to $15,000 of their NJ car accident medical bills. Of course, if you are involved in a serious accident, the $15,000 coverage may not last long. If you choose full PIP coverage, you will have coverage for up to $250,000 of your medical bills. Many NJ drivers decide to pay the extra premium to reduce their risk of medical bill responsibility as much as possible. 

NJ PIP Requirements

NJ car accident laws, which include NJ PIP laws, require the driver involved in the car accident to report the accident and file a claim with the insurance company in order to get the benefits of PIP coverage. Of course, with the insurance company covering medical expenses related to the accident without a determination of fault, the injured parties are limited in how they can file a claim against the at-fault driver. There are strict requirements for those who wish to bypass the PIP no-fault laws. But for injured parties who may fall outside of PIP coverage or have bills exceeding the PIP limits, trying to bypass PIP coverage may be a wise approach. 

Morris County Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one have been injured in a motor vehicle accident and are looking for a Morris County accident lawyer who is an expert in dealing with NJ PIP laws, get the assistance you need to cover your medical bills and obtain the maximum value for your injury claim. The car accident legal experts at the Law Offices of James C. DeZao can answer your questions and assist you throughout the entire legal process. Our goal is to get you full coverage for all your medical bills; and the best cash settlement of your auto accident injury case. Call us today for a free consultation at (973) 358-6134.
