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You must consider numerous issues before coming to a final parenting agreement in a divorce settlement. It can be a complicated process. Among other things, a proper custody agreement should address issues surrounding child visitation drop-offs and pickups. Let’s review the rights of non-custodial parents.

Rights of Non-Custodial Parents

When court proceedings have concluded and the court has granted child custody to one parent, the other parent (the non-custodial parent) is usually given some level of visitation rights. The specific laws related to child custody and visitation agreements vary from state to state. Some states have laws requiring parents to come up with a parenting agreement that deals with these issues prior to the final divorce decree. If the parents cannot agree, the court will intervene and the judge will draw up a visitation schedule that is binding and both parties must abide. Unless the court feels that contact with the non-custodial parent would be detrimental to the child, they encourage regular and frequent visitation. They encourage the visitation schedules to be flexible and usually allow for alternate weekend visitations for the non-custodial parent.  

Visitation Drop Off 

Planning the visitation schedule should include details regarding visitation drop off and transportation responsibility. In most states, including New Jersey, the parenting agreement should address these issues. When the parents get along, pick up and drop off usually occur at the residences of the parents. If the situation is less than amicable, child drop-off can be at the curbside or another location. If things are bad, the exchange may have to occur at a police station. Regarding the issue of transportation responsibility, the court will usually look kindly upon an agreement that distributes this responsibility equally between the parties. Special circumstances may dictate something different. But the ideal outcome would involve both parents agreeing on a plan for visitation drop off that covers transportation responsibility. 

Child Custody and Visitation Agreements 

As with all aspects of the divorce process, child custody and visitation agreements that can be reached by mutual agreement of both parties outside of the courtroom are the best and most desirable outcome.  Amicable relations between the former spouses will lead to a smoother overall process for child custody and visitation. More importantly, good relations between former spouses will benefit the children. The trauma of divorce has a significant impact on the children. However, the additional pain they are subjected to by observing constant bickering between their parents takes the pain to a higher level. Seeing the former spouses get along and be on friendly terms will likely soften the blow felt by the children. And decrease their stress level.  

Agreeing on Drop-off Locations 

If you are dealing with issues involving child custody and visitation agreements, contact the family law attorney experts at the Law Offices of James C. DeZao. Our experienced lawyers can answer your questions and assist you through the entire legal process. Our goal is to help you resolve these issues; and reach a desirable outcome that ensures the well-being of your children. Contact us today for a free consultation at