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Man in a car accident

Being injured in a car accident is bad enough, but being injured in a hit and run can be devastating. Here’s what you need to do after being injured in a hit and run accident in New Jersey.

What to do After a Hit and Run Accident

If a driver who then flees the scen struck you, or your vehicle, what can you do to protect yourself? Hit and run accidents can be extremely traumatizing. Because of this, your first reactions may be of confusion or bewilderment, as well as shock or alarm. In this situation, however, remaining calm is critical.  Once you have sustained injuries, it is essential that you do not do anything to exacerbate your injuries. As you may have suffered head, neck or back injuries, try to remain still until medical help arrives.

If possible, try to collect as much information on the vehicle which struck you as possible. This information may include: the color, make, and model of the vehicle; a description of the driver (if you have one); and any relevant information about the time and place of the accident. You should also try to collect as many eye-witness testimonies, including their names and telephone numbers to help corroborate your claim.

Once you have as much information possible, you should file a police report, including all of the details you have gathered. Even if the police fail to identify the hit and run driver, this report can help with any insurance claims you file.

Insurance Claims

Because the nature of a hit and run injury means that the party that caused the injury may never be identified, your insurance policy is critical to protecting you and helping you recover from your injuries. This is why it is of critical importance to purchase uninsured motorist coverage when buying a new insurance policy. Coverage for under or uninsured drivers should help mitigate the costs for these types of accidents and injuries.

For those who are victims of a New Jersey hit and run accident, another option available for them to recoup their losses is a special fund known as the New Jersey Property-Liability Insurance Guaranty Association. This special fund is in place to help lessen the financial burdens, and their cumulative effects, of those who are – through no fault of their own – without insurance coverage for their injuries or losses.

Injured in a Hit and Run? Contact DeZao Law Today

If you sustained injuries in an accident by a hit and run driver, seek expert legal guidance right away. When filing an insurance claim, it’s even more critical that you do not talk to insurance agents about your accident; before talking to an experienced and knowledgeable accident attorney. Make sure you speak with the Law Offices of James C. DeZao, P.A. Insurance companies often try to deny claims or litigate to dissuade those injured from receiving the compensation they need – and merit – for their injuries. Our firm is here to assist you with your case and help you claim the compensation you rightly deserve.  Call us today at (973) 358-6134 for a free consultation.
