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Blindsided by a Divorce? Here’s What to Do


Divorce is never easy. When a marriage ends it is often a period of self-doubt, stress, and sleepless nights. This is especially true if the divorce was unexpected or sudden. If you find yourself in this situation, there are practical steps you can take to help deal with the problems that arise. Here’s what to do if you are blindsided by divorce.

Remain Calm

While it is easier said than done, attempting to remain calm when blindsided by the news of divorce is crucial. While the news of divorce may leave you with a bad taste in your mouth – and possibly feelings of anger, resentment, or despair – it is important that you remain as calm as possible and not make any mistakes or actions you may regret later.

By taking the time to properly digest the situation, as well as all the information that has just hit you like a wave, it will give you some time to process everything. This is especially important if children are involved, as no one wants the children to suffer when two parents choose to separate.

Protect Your Personal and Financial Interests

Perhaps the most important thing you can do when blindsided by divorce – and after you have calmed yourself down – is to take proactive steps to start protecting your personal and financial interests. Protecting your interests is critical, especially since divorce tends to bring out the very worst in some people.

Some of the steps you can take to protect your best interests include:

Gathering Important Documents

Even if you continue to reside in the marital home, you should attempt to gather up all the important documentation you have. Keeping hold of these files – or photocopies of them – is important, just in case your spouse tries to take them or conceal them for one reason or another.

Some of the documents to try and recover include:

  • Marriage certificate.
  • Property documentation and deeds.
  • Stocks, bonds, or retirement paperwork.
  • Banking information.

Separating Your Finances

If you and your spouse share a checking account, savings account, or credit cards, it is essential that you open your own private accounts immediately. This is because your partner may attempt to take out more money than they should normally have access to; leaving you in a financially precarious situation. In addition, it is a good, positive step to take, as it introduces the concept of you being on your own financially from there on out.

Contact an Experienced Family Law Attorney

If you’ve been blindsided by divorce, you need to compose yourself and take account of your situation. You also need to speak to an expert family law attorney right away. Contact the Law Offices of James C. DeZao today for your free consultation. Our experienced family law attorneys are here to help you through this difficult time in your life. They will fight to ensure you get what you are legally entitled to. Divorce is never easy – fortunately, choosing the right family law attorney can be. Call DeZao Law today at (973) 358-6134.
