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Tips to Reduce Stress as a Single Parent

Happy family

Being a parent is difficult in the very best of circumstances. But being a single parent can seem impossible, which in turn can lead to a lot of stress. At DeZao Law, we know how difficult it can be to be a parent after divorce. Here are some of our tips to reduce stress as a single parent.

Keep a Routine

Being a parent involves establishing a structured life for your children. Unfortunately, for single parents, there may seem to be no time for anything, let alone a structure. If you start to feel that your life is going way too fast and your schedule is all over the place, you need to take a step back, breathe deeply, and set a consistent routine. Schedule daily tasks, such as meal times, bedtimes, chores, and other things. This will help you to feel a little less overwhelmed and can restore some balance and control to your life.

Set Limits

Single parents sometimes feel like they have to prove to their children they love them. It’s important, however, to make sure your kids know who rules the roost. Establishing limits about what is – and what isn’t – acceptable can help reduce the stresses on your life. Explain house rules to your children, such as always speaking respectfully to adults, limiting time on smartphones or tablets, or other tasks around the house.

Stop Trying to Do it All

Far too many parents think that they can do it all. Being super mom or super dad just isn’t practical. In fact, trying to be everywhere at once may be doing harm to your health. Worrying too much about trying to handle everything in your life can lead to increased stress and anxiety, which can cause gastric problems, headaches, insomnia and a whole host of other conditions.

Taking steps to reduce your parenting load may be the best choice for a single parent. Try working out a carpool schedule with other parents to help with the school run. Or, perhaps join a local community group which offers daycare or afternoon activity services your children may enjoy. There’s no such thing as a perfect parent, so don’t be afraid to lean on others for help!

Don’t Feel Guilty

One of the most important things a single parent needs to remember to reduce stress is not to feel guilty. Don’t blame yourself for being a single parent. Don’t feel the need to spoil your child because you feel bad about being divorced. Just love your kids and show them it in meaningful ways every day – that’s all you need to do!

Contact an Experienced Divorce Attorney Today

Deciding to end a marriage is never easy. This is especially true if there are children involved. If you are a parent considering divorce, contact the experienced, knowledgeable, and most importantly, compassionate attorneys at the Law Offices of James C. DeZao today at (973) 358-6134 for your free consultation. Our experienced family law attorneys are here to help you through this most difficult of times in your – and your children’s – lives.
