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NJ Municipal Laws


Public Nuisance

A public nuisance is something that interferes with your ability to enjoy your property without someone actually trespassing on it or causing some sort of physical invasion. Some of the most common forms of public nuisance include loud music or other loud noises, bright lights, major hazards to one’s health, noxious or sickening smells, criminal activity, storing hazardous materials in an unsafe manner and more. A public nuisance is any activity that has the ability to affect the safety, health, comfort, and welfare of the general public. How do you stop a public nuisance from happening? For starters, it’s best to have the police respond to your location so a report can be filed. If the nuisance continues you can seek legal help from an experienced municipal laws attorney who obtains an injunction against the offender from the court.

Sleeping on Park Bench

If you’ve ever come across someone sleeping on a park bench you have likely wondered if this is permissible or if there is some law on the books banning it. Sleeping in public places has long been a point of contention throughout New Jersey and other states. Is it illegal to sleep on a park bench? Can someone sleeping on a park bench be forced to move? These are important questions. Since parks are considered public places, many homeless tend to take up residence in them and use benches to sleep when necessary. But, many then find themselves being asked to leave the park, especially if there is an ordinance in place that doesn’t allow anyone on park property after dusk or sunset. This is how many municipalities skirt the issue of people sleeping on park benches.


Gone are the days of door-to-door salespeople visiting your home multiple times per day. You might not see a salesperson for months on end before one comes knocking. Why? The internet has changed the way sales are made, but there’s a legal reason too. Many towns in New Jersey have adopted ordinances that prohibit solicitation or peddling. Other ordinances allow door-to-door solicitation so long as the people conducting the solicitation have obtained a valid permit to do so from the municipality and display their company ID to the resident. Then there are other municipalities that issue solicitor IDs to those who want to peddle goods door-to-door. If this is the requirement where you live, make sure the solicitor shows you their permit, company-issued ID, and township-issued ID before threatening to call the authorities.