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Being in a car accident, being injured, or dealing with property loss and damage can be traumatizing for the person involved. The physical and emotional effect of these ordeals can be stressful for anyone. Add the financial burden, and the problem even blows out of proportion.

This is where your insurance coverage comes in. Experts would recommend that you must at least have these four types of insurance: health insurance, life insurance, auto insurance, and property insurance. Your insurance coverage should offer you protection for everything that you have worked hard for.

However, talking to an insurance adjuster in processing your claims is a tricky thing. For one, insurance adjusters work for the insurance company, not for you. Their job includes trying to pay out as little from their employer’s pockets.

Here are some things that you should never ever say to your insurance company representative.

1. Never say anything that will point the fault to you.

Simply put, never admit you are at fault. Admitting that it was your fault that you got injured can be attributed to your own negligence. This can be used to deny your claim. And while it is human nature to apologize out of habit, never say sorry for the accident that happened.

2. Never say the word “whiplash”.

Whiplash is a neck injury which results when a person’s head moves backward and then forward suddenly and forcefully. Though most common from rear-end car collisions, whiplash can also result from physical abuse, sports injuries, and other accidents. Common symptoms of whiplash include neck pain and stiffness, headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, and constant weariness.

However, whiplash claims are hard to prove and are the bane of insurance companies. The moment you utter the word to your insurance adjuster, he would be on the phone to talk to their lawyer. Avoid self-diagnosing yourself. Let your doctor diagnose you and inform the insurance company of your injury.

3. Avoid telling your insurer that you are “fine”.

You may be tempted to assure everyone after a car crash. Don’t tough it out. Seek immediate medical treatment and follow-up care. Let the doctor give the final assessment. If you do not seek medical treatment, your insurance company may claim that your injury is not that serious. You also risk of not able to collect just compensation from a negligent driver.

4. Don’t use the word coincidence.

Insurance companies are suspicious of those who insist on coincidence to explain a situation. You may be innocent, but using the word can set off alarm bells in your insurance company. The word can set off immediate suspicions, which will not be helpful in your claim.

5. Never say it was intentional.

Your insurance covers bad luck and even poor judgment. However, no insurance policy ever covers intentional acts. If you intentionally broke a window of your home or your car because you can’t get in, be ready to pay for the damages yourself. Do Not Give a Recorded Statement without a Lawyer. Let a Personal Injury Attorney Help You.

When talking to insurance adjusters, it is important that you stay calm and stick to pure facts. Give only factual information and avoid giving opinions.

There are ways of telling the truth without hurting your claim. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you so your insurance company cannot take advantage of your vulnerability, and that you can get the benefits that are rightfully yours.