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brain injury

Traumatic brain injuries are more severe and happen more frequently than you think. TBIs account for approximately 30 percent of all injury deaths. A TBI is primarily caused by a jerk, shock or jolt to the head that disturbs the normal functioning of the brain. This can happen at work, while hanging out with friends, while driving, and even at home.

Effects of traumatic brain injury typically include issues from impaired thinking to emotional functioning. These matters do not only affect the individual but their families and communities as well. Handling the emotional, physical and cognitive stresses of a TBI is not easy and can become very overwhelming.

Here are a few things you can do to cope with a brain injury:


Perhaps the most critical aspect of recovering from a brain injury is accepting that it will never be the same, and embracing the changes. Many people suffer a lot more than they have to by becoming emotionally abusive and being angry about what happened to them.

It is vital that the individual suffering from a TBI understands what they are going through, and that they learn to cope with the new changes without becoming too emotionally overwhelmed or worried about the future.

Seeking Help

Don’t be afraid to seek help when you need it. Although it is very easy to feel isolated and alone after a TBI, it is vital that you find as much support as you can. Whether it’s for physical help or emotional support, having the people you love surrounding you certainly make a positive impact. You may try to convince yourself that everything can be done on your own, but asking for help, especially in the beginning of recovery is essential.

Don’t be afraid to call a friend, or ask someone in your family to help you with daily tasks. Given you suffered a brain injury, your loved ones will undoubtedly understand and adapt to the changes.

Be Patient

Being patient when it comes to a TBI recovery cannot be stressed enough. It is essential to give yourself time to overcome such changes and to adapt to the new circumstances. Symptoms such as depression or anxiety may form, and learning to handle such matters is critical.

Take more time with activities when you need it, and don’t stress if you’re taking longer than usual. If you’re having issues with forgetfulness or understanding people, try to repeat the information to ensure you are absorbing what you’re hearing. You may feel angry or disappointed with some inabilities that you experience, but with time and effort, some areas can be improved.

Dealing with a traumatic brain injury is not an easy task. It can cause high levels of anxiety and even confusion. Depending on the severity of your injury, make sure that you seek out the right resources to maximize your recovery. Allowing friends and family to help you, seeking support groups, and accepting the new changes can change everything.

If you’re suffering from brain or head injury, and need legal help for your case, Dezao Law is here to help you. Learn more about the experts in brain and head injury law.
