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Man blowing leaves

Have you ever been woken up by the sound of a leaf blower running nearby? Neighbors, maintenance teams, and commercial facilities go to great lengths to keep lawns and walkways clear this time of year — but at what cost?

You might be surprised to learn that the average consumer-grade leaf blower can cause much more than a mere annoyance. These are actually potentially dangerous devices, and they can impact you without your even realizing it.

Why Are Leaf Blowers Dangerous?

Sound like an exaggeration? That’s understandable. It’s not as if leaf blowers create sparks or spin blades. So how harmful can they really be?

Unfortunately, when it comes to dangerous consumer products, hazards are often hidden. The health effects you don’t see can cause as much harm as the ones you do.

Consider the following facts about leaf blower danger, first reported by The Nyack Villager:

  • Even 50 feet away, the average leaf blower’s volume is 20 decibels higher than the maximum safety level set by the World Health Organization (WHO).
  • The person operating the leaf blower is exposed to noise more than 50 decibels higher than the maximum acceptable volume level.
  • Leaf blowers are known to contribute to hearing loss and can even cause cardiovascular or respiratory damage.
  • Leaf blowers stir up more than two pounds of dangerous particles every hour, including animal and rodent feces, pesticides, mercury, arsenic, lead, and more.
  • It would take 40 cars combined to produce as much air pollution as a leaf blower in an hour.
  • Leaf blowers produce toxic chemicals, including carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and numerous carcinogens.

Take Leaf Blower Danger Seriously

Unfortunately, unlike leaves, the negative health effects of leaf blowers aren’t so quickly “gone with the wind.” Over the course of many years, repeated exposure to leaf blowers can take a serious and even deadly toll on your body.

As a Morris County personal injury law firm, we care about the safety and comfort of New Jersey’s neighborhoods. If you’re concerned about leaf blower danger in your community — or if you’ve suffered poor health as a result of leaf blower exposure — give our office a call today.